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  What is Whole30 and why do I need a coach?

Whole 30 is a nutrition based health reset program that will change your life. Creator and co-author of

The Whole30: The 30-day Guide to Total Health and Food Freedom, Melissa Hartwig has also written 5 other Whole 30 books since 2009…

helping change the lives of people across the world.

Did you know that what you are eating, even the healthy stuff, can be having a huge negative impact of your health and emotional happiness?

That’s right… certain food groups (like sugar, dairy, legumes, grains, soy) can be affecting your body in ways you have never connected.  

Check out our :Whole30 January 2022

Are you struggling to maintain a healthy weight?

Are you suffering from hormone dysfunction

Do you have aches, pains, low energy, or moodiness?

Did you know that a long list of ailments such as allergies, asthma, chronic pain, headaches, ADD, emotional issues, digestive issues, skin issues, etc. can be linked to food and resolved through food? And it doesn’t mean you have to give up all the foods you love for the rest of your life to live in optimal health.

It takes the Whole30

It takes finding out what your body needs to be healthy… not what you hear on the news or read in a book… no studies have ever been done on you… Nobody knows what you need but I promise your body will tell you…and has been trying to tell you for years… but without a reset it is hard to hear. But in 30 days you will have all of the answers. Let’s press the reset button on your body’s response to food, your health, your habits, and your relationship with food.

With the help of your Whole30 Certified Coach, spend the next 30 days eliminating (100% commitment) all of the foods that 1.) cause inflammation in the body 2.) disrupt a healthy gut and immune system 3.) cause a hormonal

response 4.) have an emotional connection.




Spend 30 days giving your body the foods it needs to heal. Learn amazing new recipes. Eat foods that taste great, make you full, and satisfy you. At the same time, reducing all inflammation, rebooting hormonal balance, healing leaky gut and its affects, and building a healthy emotional relationship with food. Your coach will help educate you, motivate you, and answer all questions you have along the way. She will help you plan a solid meal plan, fit it into your hectic daily life, and keep you organized to ensure success. It is change. It is not always easy… your Coach will be there every step of the way and help overcome all obstacles and struggles you might face. She will also help you recognize all the positive changes that are happening to you and explain what you should be going through daily so you know if it is normal or not. Having a personal coach helps to ensure you are having the best. Most successful Whole30 possible.

Then, after the 30-day reboot, foods will scientifically be added in with the guidance of your coach to find out what foods have a negative effect on your unique self and which foods you can eat without worry. You will design your own food freedom plan based on what you experience from your reintroduction. You will know once and for all if dairy is causing your bloat or skin problems. you’ll know if gluten is making you depressed… you’ll know if cheese gives you a headache the next day… you’ll have all the information to make the best decisions for your unique body… and you’ll know what you need to do to stay in optimal health and maintain a normal weight… and you will feel amazing!! You will want to feel this way forever… this will be your new normal. No more sluggish days, slow metabolism, aches, and complaints, you’ll love whoe30foodhow you feel.whole30food2

The Whole30 Experience is Life Changing !


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Check out January 2022 Whole30

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