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Golfer's must consider themselves athletes

and train using programs scientifically designed

 to improve integration and synchronization of the whole body”

-Paul Chek


What is the most important piece of equipment you can have to achieve the absolute best golf performance? Your body.

Are you ready for golf season?

 Is your body flexible, strong, and to rotate dynamically and recover efficiently?


Start one of my golf conditioning programs today, whether in season, or during off season.


 Let me help you gain your true golf potential by conditioning your body to gain range of motion with unique flexibility, balance and core stability, golf specific strength, and golf power.

And did I mention…. PAIN FREE!           


 Additional Benefits:



Increased Stamina

Increased dynamic stability

Improved functional strength

Increased chance of coming out of rough

Increases recovery rate after game

Increased club head speed

Longer drives

More scoring options

Less Stress

More enjoyment


 Now with services in (Hinsdale) and (Western Springs)

Each body is unique which makes your needs in a training program unique.


You cannot find out what your body needs and what improvements can be made to maximize golf potential unless you get assessed. 

  Get a personal (Golf Fitness Assessment) to find out exactly how your body’s limitations in areas such as balance, flexibility, rotation, and core strength are affecting your game. Learn your strengths and your areas that need attention regardless of your current physical fitness level. 


Next let’s get a plan and start making some changes!  You will be amazed how powerful a core based functional strength and mobility program can be to improving your performance, consistency, and recovery during golf season, allowing you to enjoy the sport while playing your best!  

No need for heavy equipment and a traditional gym. Using minimal equipment and more effective tools such as RMT club, (Stick Mobility), TRX, and Rip Trainer,  we are able to get you stronger, more mobile, more powerful, preventing injuries not only on the golf course, but in everyday life as well.

Regardless of experience, current physical condition, or commitment to golf, you will find your place in any of the options available all year round. 


Personal Golf Assessment (Western Springs and Hinsdale)

Get a personal Golf Assessment and an email of all of your results 

Learn your physical strengths and limitations in areas such as balance, flexibility, rotation, posture, etc.

Once you purchase, you will receive a phone call to schedule  $119



Re-assessment (at least 6 weeks apart)  $109  




One -on -one Golf Fitness Personal Training (Western Springs only)

Achieve maximal results with continual personal attention.   With one-on-one training, you will meet with Christie 1-3 days per week for an hour each session.   A plan will be developed based on your assessment results.  You will do the workouts with eyes on you 100% to ensure form, education, and progressions are executed to perfection.  

A program design will be given to you for the days you aren’t with a trainer, revolving around corrective exercise, balance, and core.  This option is suitable for any age and level of fitness and ideal for those needing accountability and education to ensure results!

Golf fitness assessment is included in all packages

Re-assessment is included with all packages 8 weeks or longer

Packages vary on needs and availability. Schedule a free consultation (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)


Golf Flexibility and Core class (Western Springs only)


Group Strength and Power (Western Springs only)  


(For the Programs above please :This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. )


Program design (Western Springs and Hinsdale)

This program is for the do-it-yourselfer. 

We start you off with an in-person assessment at preferred location.

Then a program is designed specifically for you, based on all your needs and intended to correct your limitations with the same focus as coaching- based programs does.

 Workout will be designed based on your choice of home workout or gym and available equipment.

You will be emailed a link to your program where you will see details and videos, giving you all of the tools to self -complete!

Need a little direction to start you off but not a long commitment with a trainer? 

Add -on #1 is for you!

Need some of the awesome equipment we use?  Ask us about add-on deals including things like RMT and Stick Mobility


Package #1  

          In- Person Golf Fitness/Flexibility Assessment and custom 6-week program $199


Package #2

        In- Personal Golf Fitness/Flexibility Assessment and 12-week program   $299


(Add- on #1)

         3 personal training sessions to teach you your program and proper form   $240


Add- on #2

        Re-assessment   (at least 6 weeks after 1st)   $99






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