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Empowered By Carbs


4 Fundamentals




When it comes to eating carbs, there are key things to keep in mind

to keep your metabolic health in order!

Here are my EBCarbs 4 Fundamentals

#1 Time Em Right    

We want to eat our carbs when our body needs them the most to avoid insulin resistance and fat

storage, along with inflammation and cell damage.   This usually means, for most people, the

best time to get carbs in is early in the day when we are most insulin sensitive.  After your

workout is another ideal time to get those carbs in, as the will be used to replace lost storage of

glucose.  The times we need carbs the least is as we wind down for the day, at night, or on

inactive days.

#2 Pick Em Right

Even the worst of the processed carbs may have an occasional appearance in your social life,

but the majority of the time we want to focus on less starchy, more fibrous carbs.  Fibrous

veggies don't count here.  Have those as often as you want.  Grains, fruit, and starchy veggies,

such as potato, sweet potato, root veggies, corn, peas, and carrots should follow all the EBCarbs

4 Fundamentals.

#3  Eat Em Right

Order matters.   Protein and Fat first, then grains, carbs, and fruit last.

Combo matters.  Try to never have a carb alone and preferably choose a protein to eat with it

instead of fat.

#4 Smooth and Steady

You'll know your carbs are working for you and you are metabolically healthy if you avoid big

glucose spikes (over 130) after eating carbs and if your glucose returns to normal 2 hours after

eating carbs.  You'll need a glucose monitor to track this.  This info tells you that all the other

fundamentals are working for you and you are using carbs for energy and then burning fat the

rest of the time!

Let's master the EBCarbs 4 Fundamentals together in 

3 Weeks to Better Metabolic Health 

starting August 14!

Click link to reserve your spot!




3 Weeks to Better Metabolic Health




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